Japan Club
The purpose of Japan Club is to provide all interested students with extracurricular activities that explore Japanese language, culture, and tradition.
Japan Club does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical or mental disabilities unrelated to activities. Non-students [e.g., faculty/staff] are not allowed to be full members, but they can be non-voting, affiliate members.
Executive officers will keep attendance of all club meetings. Any club member who attends at least three meetings per semester and is present at the time of elections is considered a voting member. Any non-voting members (members who have not met attendance requirements) may nominate other members for executive positions, but cannot nominate themselves and cannot vote. No first (1st) year first (1st) semester student may hold the officer positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary unless extenuating circumstances apply.
Position | Name |
Student | Marino Komai (komaim@letaoyizs.com) |
Advisor | Susan Westhafer Furukawa (furukawas@letaoyizs.com) |
Last modified
Mar. 4th at 2:54pm